Well, shipmates, we’re so sorry to be the bearers of bad news, but Our Flag Means Death
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Earlier this year, Max took a swipe across The Revenge’s bow by canceling the cult-hit pirate show after two successful seasons, inspiring both angry fans and Jenkins himself to spring into action to find the show a new network to plunder.
But their attempts were sadly unsuccessful. “After many complimentary meetings, conversations, etc it seems there is no alternate home for our crew,” Jenkins continued. “Thank you to all of you who sent us out with tremendous love and care. Your campaign was noticed across the industry. But more importantly it made all of us who worked on this show better able to deal with the loss.”
While it is certainly not unheard of for a canceled show to be picked up elsewhere, especially as networks notice the fervent outcry to an announcement like this, it sounds like Jenkins is really just ready to leave campaigning in his wake and get back to creating. “To you wonderful fans: thank you. You are lovely and earnest. Those kinds of things feel in short supply at times. But they aren’t. A love like ours can’t disappear in an instant,” he wrote. “When we see each other off in mystic, say hello. We won’t say goodbye, because we’re not leaving. We’re just taking a breather until next time we can share something together.”
So, that’s that. Ed and Stede will never grace our screens again. But as we watch that ship sail off into the distance, we’ll always have the season two finale, which A.V. Club reviewer Jenna Scherer called “a beautiful, bittersweet note for the series to go out on.” Bon voyage, Our Flag Means Death.