Good news horndogs, Oscar Isaac and Kristen Stewart are doing a vampire movie together

If there are two stars that thirsty cinema nerds are incapable of being normal about, it’s Oscar Isaac and Kristen Stewart. See: the uproar over Isaac giving Jessica Chastain a sensual inner-arm kiss on the red carpet. See: the reaction to Stewart’s entire Love Lies Bleeding press tour. Now, in one of the best examples of two queens coming together to maximize their joint slay the entertainment industry has ever seen, Stewart and Isaac will combine their seductive powers for a new vampire movie (obviously the sexiest type of monster movie—argue with the wall!) called Flesh Of The Gods.

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Per a synopsis provided by the producers to The Hollywood Reporter,

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Flesh Of The Gods is directed by Panos Cosmatos, the filmmaker behind the Nicolas Cage horror vehicle Mandy. The script is written by Andrew Kevin Walker of Se7en fame, from a story by Cosmatos and Walker. “Like Los Angeles itself Flesh of the Gods inhabits the liminal realm between fantasy and nightmare,” Cosmatos said in a statement (via THR). “Both propulsive and hypnotic, Flesh will take you on a hot rod joy ride deep into the glittering heart of hell.”

Isaac will produce the movie under his Mad Gene Media banner alongside Don’t Look Up director Adam McKay, of all people, who said in his own statement, “We think it’s wildly commercial and wildly artful. Our ambitions are to make a movie that ripples through popular culture, fashion, music, and film.” Frankly, given the movie’s star power, it has a pretty good chance of doing so—the movie is currently looking for a sale out of Cannes, and we have to imagine that there will be more than a few arty studios interested in taking a bite out of this bloodsucker film.

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