Happy Labor Day from The A.V. Club
The A.V. Club's regularly scheduled programming will resume tomorrow

It’s Labor Day in the United States today, which means labor is what The A.V. Club will not do today. It’s a federal holiday after all, and the single one of the year that recognizes the contributions of workers and laborers (at least until we recognize May Day—let’s maybe push for that, too, one of these years). The point being, we at The A.V. Club are at the beach, or the barbecue, or the indoor flea market, or generally doing whatever it is we do when we’re not here conducting culturally defining conversations.
Fear not, dear reader, because our coverage will resume as usual tomorrow, September 3. There’s a lot to look forward to this week, as news and reviews continue to pour out of Venice. We’ll also have Twitter’s favorite menswear expert Derek Guy walking us through 20th-century fashion via TV characters on Wednesday, which you will certainly not want to miss. In the meantime, though, get outside and grab a hot dog or a Beyond Burger—or, revisit Saloni Gajjar’s . Either one will treat you right.
Most PopularSee ya tomorrow!
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