Within some breed of celebrity there seems to be a pathological desire, when going through a crisis, to add more cameras to the situation. That is the only explanation as to why Alec Baldwin, coming off of one of the worst episodes of his life (the legal ramifications of which are still playing out), would be interested in making a reality show. Well, that and the fact that he has six young children that he has to both financially support and somehow be physically present to raise.
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In conversation with Kelly Ripa on Sirius XM’s Let’s Talk Off Camera podcast (via Entertainment Tonight), Baldwin said that everything he does “is filtered through the idea of my family,” including “Jobs I take, jobs I don’t take.” He recalled declining a famous TV producer who would’ve had him shooting in Vancouver for five months, explaining, “So everything we did and then shows we have considered and pitches we’ve heard, and even one or two pitches we’ve made about our family and that reality show has all been so we could stay home and just work from home. I’m desperate to try to work from New York.”
Hollywood must really be falling apart if someone heard a pitch for the Baldwins reality television show and didn’t immediately give it the green light. This is a family where the patriarch is an Oscar-nominated actor whose resumé recently includes multiple Boss Baby movies and dropped charges for involuntary manslaughter, and the matriarch created an entire Spanish persona complete with fake accent, got caught, and then just kind of continued doing it. And they have seven children ages seven and younger. Move over, The Family Stallone: there’s a new sometime A-lister ready to take reality television by storm.
Of course, in terms of career, there’s no way a reality show would be a good move for Baldwin. His abilities as an actor have only ever been hampered by the drama of his personal life. Nevertheless, it’s a noble endeavor to want to be able to work nearer to his children. Perhaps there is some New York-based production that would be willing to take him on to prevent further overexposure? If not, trust that there would be many, many viewers lining up for The Baldwin Bunch.