No one was happy with how Game Of Thronescrystal-clear memories of how they felt at the time when it was happening. Lena Headey, who played Cersei Lannister on the show right up until the moment things began to fully go off the rails, is no exception, and she recently discussed the end of Game Of Thrones briefly with The Hollywood Reporter.
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The chat was ostensibly about Headey’s directorial debut, an indie psychological drama called The Trap, and what it’s like moving behind the camera for the first time (she loves it and says it’s “so much better” than acting), but Thrones naturally came up. First, Headey said she hasn’t seen any of House Of The Dragon and didn’t seem too interested in talking about it, only agreeing that it would be “too weird” to see it (especially when her mean family ended up being so mean to that mean family!).
But in terms of deeper Thrones thoughts, Headey mentioned that she would’ve liked to see Cersei go out in some kind of fight scene, rather than simply getting crushed by rocks after being reunited with her brother Jaime, saying that she thinks all of the actors had started dreaming up ideal storylines for themselves at some point. She said that her and Maisie Williams—who played Arya Stark—would “fantasize about a Cersei and Arya showdown” where Arya would use her Faceless Men tricks to come to Cersei as Jaime. “That was our dream,” she said, “But they made different choices.”
In retrospect, Cersei and Arya never really interacted much on Game Of Thrones, despite Cersei’s prominent place on the list of people Arya dreamed of someday killing (a thing that seemed pretty important until the point where the show decided that a lot of things that seemed important no longer were).
Still, Headey said that everybody understands that it was hard to wrap up everything up, and when you’re actually “in it” there comes “a moment of, ‘why?’,” but she said she “absolutely” gets why things happened the way they did. And she noted that she doesn’t miss doing Game Of Thrones at all. “I miss the people,” she explained, “Because you fall in love with people, and you create these family units.” She feels a “weird grief” from those relationships, but she doesn’t miss it. “We put everything into it. It changed everyone’s fucking world, and we’ll always have it.”